leading, although she admitted it was difficult to lead in high heels. The tango is particularly demanding inas- much as the girl's steps are absolutely the reverse of the man's. If you learn both sides you really know the tango!
And then again, what's wrong with learning to sew? Get a knowledgeable GG to start you on simple things such as hem stitching, or fixing the underarm seam that burst because we bought a size too small. Or how to shorten that petticoat that insists in hanging an inch be- low the hem of the skirt. And again, why not a bit of cooking? Perhaps to try your hand at a cake.. and surprise your wife and your TV friends at the next party..making sure of course there's plenty of bicarbonate to go around.
And before closing, a word about "hormones", to take or not to take. If your husband-wife relationship is satisfactory for heaven's sake don't kill it by swallowing hormones. Any doctor will tell you that female hormones (among other things) will definitely weaken and, depend- ing on the dosage, may completely cancel out your male effectiveness and drive. In other words, you become neuter. If I were a wife, I'd want to hit my husband with the steam iron to put some sense in his little brain. On the other hand, if in your home life, sex plays no role whatsoever, you can try hormones under a doctor's super- vision and maybe you'll develop a marvelous bust. But then again, maybe you won't develop anything except dizziness and lack of vitality. It's happened, you know.
My sisterly advice is don't. I've seen too many cases where the sprouting of breasts created so many side problems that the treatments had to be discontinued in a hurry. I have several friends who, no matter how hot it may be, just can't afford to remove their jackets when there are people around, to say nothing of the fact that they cannot go swimming any more.. they are not femi- nine enough to do it in a girl's bathing suit, and they are now too feminine above the waist to run around in just a pair of trunks. There have also been cases of em- barrassment when the office for which they work has suddenly requested a medical examination with the com- pany doctor... Hormones are fine if your aim is to dedi- cate more and more of your time to dressing and to live a good part of the time that way, but if you must still